The only thing surprising about this decision from a British Columbia perspective is that it actually proceeded to court.
The solicitor prepared the draft will and advised the deceased in writing that she was to make an appointment to come in and sign it.
The deceased never did execute the draft will, and despite this, her relatives brought application for admission into probate of the unsigned document, purporting it to be her last will and testament.
The application for probate was dismissed.
The court ruled that a draft will could not be admitted to probate as it would fail the proper requirements of execution.
In Saskatchewan there needs to be at least some attempt at execution of a formal will.
It was not clear to the court that the document express the final wishes of the deceased, as the document was specifically noted as being draft subject to revisions.
There was no evidence that the deceased was confused as to the need to sign the will, as the solicitor’s letter was clear and unequivocal as to the requirement for further action on the part of the deceased.