Undue Influence

Vancouver Estate Litigation – Elder Financial Abuse

Trevor Todd and Jackson Todd have over 60 years combined experience in estate litigation including claims of elder financial abuse. In King v Vimhel 2024 BCSC 1745 a predator who

Vancouver Estate Lawyer-Presumption of Undue Influence Applied

Trevor Todd and Jackson Todd have over 60 years combined legal experience in handling estate disputes, including undee influence. Re Campbell estate 2022 BCSC 2184 set aside a transfer in

Vancouver Estate Lawyer-Rebutting the Presumption of Undue Influence

Trevor Todd and Jackson Todd have over 60 years experience in handling contested estate matters including undue influence. Undue influence is an equitable doctrine used to protect persons from victimization
forgery and handwriting analysis

Forgery and Handwriting Analysis

 I commonly receive estate enquiries where the enquirer strongly asserts   suspicion that  documents found after death such s a wills or a  transfer were forged. I predicted many years ago
Admissibility of Medical Records

Admissibility of Medical Records

Many types of estate litigation cases such as testamentary capacity, undue influence, committee applications and others rely on medical evidence, which is typically initially obtained from medical records that are
Undue Influence and the "Doctrine of Righteousness

Contested Wills Vancouver-Undue Influence and the “Doctrine of Righteousness”

Trevor Todd and Jackson Todd have practiced contested estate law for over sixty years, including claims for undue influence.   Halliday V Halliday 2019 BCSC 554 discusses the historical concept
Undue Influence and Legal Advice | Disinherited Estate Litigation

BC Estate Lawyer and Undue Influence

Trevor Todd has contested wills successfully alleging undue influence for 50 years   Davy v Davy 2019 BCSC 1826 reviewed the law relating to claims of undue influence and the
Undue Influence in Short | Disinherited Estate Litigation

Vancouver Estate Lawyer and Undue Influence

Trevor Todd is a Vancouver estate lawyer who has alleged and litigated undue influence cases for 50 years.   The essential legal framework for the assessment of claims of undue
Undue Influence Check List of Red Flags

BC Estate Dispute Lawyer-Undue Influence Check List of Red Flags

Trevor Todd of Vancouver BC has 50 years experience in detecting and successfully suing to set aside fraudulent transactions due to the exercise of undue influence by a predator upon
Legal Advice and Undue Influence

Undue Influence and Independent Legal Advice

Davy v Davy 2019 BCSC 3128 reviewed inter alia the law relating to independent legal advice and situations where undue influence may arise. Undue influence is an equitable doctrine to