Dysfunctional Families

Dysfunctional Family

Personality Disorders in Estate Litigation

Personality Disorders in Estate Litigation

One of the most common fact patterns in estate litigation involves a parent(s) with a personality disorder. We all know…

At a Glance

BC Estate Lawyer-Dysfunctional Families- Toxic Parents

Vancouver lawyer Trevor Todd has 50 years experience in understanding…

Passive-Aggressive Behaviour

Passive-aggressive people are frequently seen in estate litigation and family…

Abusive Parents

In my practice of acting for disinherited people, I frequently…

Personality Disorders in Estate Litigation

One of the most common fact patterns in estate litigation…

The Doctrine of “Clean Hands”

In an action for fraud and misrepresentation Wang v Wang…

Recognizing Personality Disorder

My experience is that many children of parents with a…

Family Estrangement

Vancouver Estate Lawyer - Cutting Family Ties and Wills Variation

Vancouver Estate Lawyer - Cutting Family Ties and Wills Variation

Vancouver lawyers Trevor Todd and Jackson Todd have over 60 years combined experience in understanding and getting justice through wills…

At a Glance

Swingers Not In Marriage Like Relationship

CFM v GLM 2018 BCSC 815 involved a determination as…

Wills Variation Explained

JR v JDM 2016 BCSC 2265 explained the criteria in…

Trustees For Infants versus Guardians

Leniuk Estate 2016 BCSC 159 held that a guardian for…

Vancouver Estate lawyer and Contesting Wills under Wills Variance: The Estranged Child

Trevor Todd , a Vancouver estate litigation lawyer has contested…

Wills Variation: Disinherited Adult Children vs. Second Spouse

R. (J.) v M. (JD) 2016 BCSC 2265 summarized the…

Dysfunctional Families: How to Recognize Them

As a boomer growing up in the Leave it to…

Identifying a Dysfunctional Family

4 Unhealthy Roles Created in Dysfunctional Families

4 Unhealthy Roles Created in Dysfunctional Families

It is well-established that dysfunctional families create some very unhealthy roles for its participants. It is beyond doubt that early…

At a Glance

Recognizing Personality Disorder

My experience is that many children of parents with a…

Alcohol Related Dementia

Alcohol related dementia is one of a few lifestyle dementias…

Quiz: Is Your Family Dysfunctional?

I have blogged many articles on aspects of dysfunctional families…

Dysfunctional Families: Cultural Differences

I was in mediation last week with a Southeast Asian…

4 Unhealthy Roles Created in Dysfunctional Families

It is well-established that dysfunctional families create some very unhealthy…

BC Estate Lawyer-23 Signs of Undue Influence In Dysfunctional Families

Trevor Todd and Jackson Todd have over 60 years combined…