Vancouver Estate Litigation: Disabled Adult Succeeds Wills Variation

Disabled Adult Succeeds Wills Variation

Trevor Todd and Jackson Todd have over 60 years experience in litigating wills variation claims.


Willott v. Willott Estate 1997 CarswellBC 2016, [1997] B.C.J. No. 2073, 20 E.T.R. (2d) 211 is a 1997 wills variation action where a deceased parent’s estate was required to pay additional monies to a disabled son who unable to work, survived on a small disability pension due to his mental illness.

The estate was approximately $500,000 and was left solely to the sister of the deceased.

The disabled son succeeded in his wills variation claim ( now section 60, WESA)  with the court finding that state paid disability benefits are the bare minimum and that a parent still has a moral obligation to provide more for the child’s benefit.


73      Therefore, I find that a judicious testatrix, as part of her consideration of what is adequate support for an adult child who is incapable of supporting himself due to disabilities, may take into account the provisions made by the state for that person. That is the starting point. The state provides for basic needs. But the state also is willing to provide for those needs without deduction while allowing for some “extras” for the disabled person. Thus arise the exemptions in the Disability Benefits Program Act and the Regulations to that Act.

74      I find on the whole of the evidence that Iris Willott did not make adequate provision for the proper maintenance and support of her son, and did not discharge her moral obligation to him. Lot 1 will provide accommodation for him should he chose to live there or, if he chooses to sell that property, I find it will provide him with enough money to purchase other suitable accommodation. His benefits under the regulations to Disability Benefits Program Act will cover his house insurance, taxes, fuel, water, hydro, garbage and basic telephone expenses (s. 5 Schedule A). In addition, benefits will provide him and his wife with medical and dental coverage, eye care, prescriptions and home support. But the monthly amount of $608 which he will then receive (assuming he and his wife are together) is not sufficient, I find, to maintain him to the standard which was reasonable given his own circumstances at the time of his mother’s death and the other factors the court is required to consider when dealing with Wills Variation Act actions, including the size of the estate.

75      I find that Mr. Willott should be provided with a further lump sum which (together with the remainder of the cash bequest which he received under the will) will enable him to purchase a reasonably reliable vehicle and certain household items which he requires. Many needs for the later will be satisfied by his receipt of the balance of Iris Willott’s effects which all the defendants agree he should have. I find the additional amount that Mr. Willott should receive is $20,000. If Mr. Willott, with the assistance of his wife and others, plans efficiently, this sum should also suffice to cover his initial vehicle insurance costs as well as living and other transitional expenses which he will incur over the one to three months which I estimate will be the time during which he will not receive benefits due to receipt of funds from the estate. Should Mr. Willott choose to sell the property he can and should plan the sale and any purchase of other property to minimize the time during which he will not receive benefits.

76      In addition, Mr. Willott should have the benefit of a trust as contemplated by the Disability Benefits Program Act and Regulations. This trust shall be in the amount of $100,000. Mr. Willott shall receive the income from this trust to the maximum allowed under the regulations. The balance of the annual trust income, after payments of all costs related to the administration of the trust, shall be paid to the Society, from whose share of the estate the trust shall be created. Upon Mr. Willott’s death the capital of the trust shall revert to the Society. At present this means Mr. Willott will receive from the trust a maximum of $5,484 per year or $457 per month in addition to the $608 in monthly benefits which he receives. If necessary, counsel may speak to the question of the appointment of an appropriate trustee.

77      The trust shall be created from funds from the sale of Lot 102 which shall be listed for sale forthwith. Mr. Willott may call for the transfer of Lot 1 and the balance of the funds owing directly to him at any time from the date of this judgment but not later than three months after the establishment of the trust. Until that time, he shall be entitled to interest on the funds owing directly to him in the amount of 5% per year payable at the time he receives the funds. Should Mr. Willott chose to defer the transfer of Lot 1 he will not be entitled to any accounting with respect to the income from it, nor shall he be responsible for any of the expenses relating to it.

78      The additional lump sum payment shall fall rateably on the estate. Mr. Onwood’s share of the estate shall be satisfied next after that of Mr. Willott. Thereafter the congregation’s share of the estate shall be satisfied, following which the Society shall receive its share.

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