Sibling Rivalry – Mom Always Loved YOU Best

mom loved you bestSibling rivalry is rife in estate litigation

and often comes to the fore with

the death of the parents—

particularly the last parent.

Although some fortunate siblings

may be the best of friends, that

situation is obviously rare in our


One of our favourite sibling stories

happened in the case of “Robert.” He

was the youngest child, born many

years after his four older siblings.

Robert and his mother “had been

very close” and when she died, he

ended up with her entire estate. The

That story serves as an allegory

for sibling rivalry. Seemingly minor

childhood conflicts can result in

underlying resentments that may last

a lifetime. Such resentments often

emerge during the emotional upheaval

following the death of parents.

Sibling rivalry exists among most

animal species where competition

begins at birth. The rivalry may be

extreme—take for example, the black

eagle who lays two eggs. Mother looks

on while the first hatchling pecks the

second to death.

Among humans, sibling rivalry dates

back to the Bible. The Book of Genesis

tells of the jealousy between Adam and

Eve’s sons Cain and Abel. When Cain

kills Abel, the first murder occurs. That

story has inspired much Western art and

literature over the centuries.

Sibling rivalry remains a common

theme in our culture and is found in

television shows from Leave It to Beaver

to Family Guy, from Friends to The

Smothers Brothers with Tommy’s

frequent refrain, “Mom always loved

you best.” Social media loves to report

on the “friendly” tennis competition

of Venus and Serena Williams.

Our clients often include those

who adopted traits that their parents

approved of, those who rebelled, and

those who simply withdrew from the

competition altogether. It seems many

of us grew up with internal labels

such as “I’m the smart one,” “I’m the

athletic one,” or “I’m the black sheep.”

disinherited siblings sued. At the

examinations for discovery, the siblings

were extremely hostile, glaring at

Robert. During questioning, Trevor

asked Robert’s older sister about her

obvious hatred toward her youngest

brother. He fully expected to hear

how Robert was selfish, greedy,

and dishonest. Instead, the sister

responded, “He was allowed to have

cheese sandwiches before bed and

we weren’t!” The others nodded in


Sibling Rivalry:

Mom Always

Loved You Best

Seemingly minor childhood

conflicts can result

in underlying resentments

that may last a lifetime.

Wills & Estates

Trevor Todd

Judith Milliken, QC

© Photography

72 The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia V olume 22 N umber 3 Fall 2013

Unfortunately, it seems some

parents more or less openly favour

a preferred child. Others needlessly

criticize a less-favoured child. Such

treatment inevitably creates resentment

between and among the siblings.

Psychologists report that from age

18 months, siblings can understand

family rules and know how to comfort

and be kind to each other. By age 3,

children have a sophisticated

grasp of the social rules within the

household and know how to adapt

to circumstances within the family.

One school of thought suggests

that fighting among siblings may

actually increase in adolescence, with

early teens reaching the highest level

of competition.

Some say that sibling bullying and

abuse are largely underreported. Recent

studies have indicated that bullying

and aggressive behaviour by a sibling

can be just as damaging as bullying

by a classmate, neighbour, or peer.

Most disturbing in our practice are

the surprising number of female clients

who have apparently suffered sexual

abuse by a teenage brother, usually

a few years older. They include serious

sexual assaults leaving lasting scars.

The Role Played by Parents

While it is natural for siblings

to compete, parents can certainly have

a positive or a detrimental effect in

reducing the potential to cause great

damage. Starting early to reduce such

rivalry is key. It is beyond the scope

of this article to provide parenting

advice but there are many useful

self-help books available, for example

Siblings Without Rivalry by Adele Faber

and Elaine Mazlich.

By the time most clients reach

a lawyer’s office, the horse is out of the

barn. It often seems parents have

contributed to rivalry by encouraging

competition, snitching, teasing, or

displaying overt favouritism. We

also unfortunately see the results

of highly dysfunctional families where

a parent with a personality disorder

has deliberately played one sibling off

against the others for most of their lives.

Sibling rivalry is inherent in human

nature. Most of us grew up competing

for an equal share of limited family

For example, if one child has

a disability, it is important that the

memorandum accompanying the Will

explain that fact clearly. Such an

explanation will often be better received

if also delivered to the family in person,

while the parent is still alive.

Clarity is also extremely important.

Even matters such as funeral

arrangements can cause great conflict

between and among siblings after

death when emotions of grief can

easily turn to anger. Long-standing

resentments by siblings can manifest

in pettiness—basically the need

to control . . . to flex their muscles and

withhold control from others.

Minimizing the opportunity for

conflict is important. Clear, written

directions by the parent are often

persuasive, for example, directions

for any funeral or celebration of life,

clear directions as to who specifically

should receive which items of personal

property. In these days of ubiquitous

technology, for further clarification it

is easy to take photographs and attach

them to any list.

Thoughtful legal practitioners will

have many more practical suggestions

for addressing this age-old problem. s

Trevor Todd restricts his practice

to estate litigation and has practised

law for 38 years. He is a past President

of the Trial Lawyers Association of BC,

a past chair of the Wills and Trusts

(Vancouver) Subsection, and a past

president of the New Westminster Bar

association. He frequently lectures

to CLE, TLAB C, the BC Notaries, and

various law, business, or general

public sessions on estate law issues. is 17 years old.

It has hundreds of blogs and articles

and currently over 5600 visitors per

month on average.

Judith Milliken, QC, hails from

Saskatchewan. She has practised law

in BC since 1976. A former commercial

lawyer then senior Crown Counsel, she

is a highly experienced litigator who

practises exclusively estate litigation,

Wills, and trusts with Stewart Aulinger,


resources, whether that be parental

attention, time in the bathroom, or

a share of dessert.

Other complicating factors

include the so-called “blended family”

involving step-siblings Many cultures

also significantly favour males, which

can lead to “societal sibling rivalries”

between men and women.

Significant life issues such as

care giving for elderly parents or

unequal treatment in inheritances can

inflame old grievances and perceived

slights. Even making funeral

arrangements can bring out the worst

in the surviving children.

While siblings display an intense

need to share equally in their

inheritances, unfortunately some

parents continue to play favourites

until the end, leaving some children

much larger or lesser shares of the

estate. That usually causes incredible

bitterness and resentment. On a basic

level, survivors equate inheritance

with parental love and cannot bear

being loved less by a parent than their

siblings were loved.

Lesser shares also invite litigation

under British Columbia’s Wills Variation

Act for it defies the moral claims

of the children to share equally in their

parents’ estates.

The societal expectation that

children will receive equal shares was

recognized by Madame J. Daphne

Smith, now of the Court of Appeal, in

Ryan vs. Delahaye 2003 BCSC 1081.

In paragraph [67] she said, “In the

absence of express reasons for an

unequal distribution, contemporary

standards create a reasonable

expectation of children sharing equally

in a parent’s estate.”

Reducing Sibling Rivalry after Death

Parents are strongly encouraged

to divide their estates in equal shares

among their children. If there is

a compelling reason to do otherwise,

it is crucial for parents to address

their communications thoughtfully.

Parents are strongly

encouraged to divide their

estates in equal shares

among their children.

Volume 22 N umber 3 Fall 2013 The Scrivener 73

Judge Tells Man He Must “Stay Dead”

Dead Man Walking: Judge Tells Man He Must Stay Dead

10/10/13, 7:11 PM EDT

(Credit: Hancock County Juvenile Court)

Legally, Donald Miller is dead and he’s staying that way in the eyes of the law. An Ohio judge told him so in court this week.

Miller, 61, testified on Monday in Ohio’s Hancock County Probate Court that he disappeared in 1986, leaving behind his wife, two children and unpaid child support after losing his job.

Years later, his wife, Robin Miller, sought to have him legally declared dead.

“She had no support,” Robin Miller’s attorney James Hammer told “By having a declaration of death, she would then potentially have access to collect Social Security benefits for her two minor children.”

Donald Miller was declared dead in 1994 and his family received his Social Security money.

A few months ago, Robin Miller discovered that not only was her “dead” husband not dead, he was back in Ohio and trying to re-establish his Social Security number.

“To realize that he was back and then to realize that he was going to be taking legal action, from her standpoint, was pretty unsettling and emotional,” Hammer said.

He said his client was “very startled” when her husband testified that he had actually been back in Ohio since around 2005, but she “didn’t wish him any ill-will.”

“Stay Dead”

“He had experienced alcoholism for a number of years and made choices based upon being in that condition,” Hammer said.

Despite his being alive and being in court, Judge Allan Davis ruled that Miller would be staying legally dead. Davis sdkfjhsdjsdfksajfsadkjfsafgsakjfh

told that while the decision doesn’t appear to make much sense, it was actually very by the book.

“There really wasn’t much opportunity to use any equity in this case because we have a statute right on point,” he said.

A legal statute in Ohio prevents changes to death rulings after three years have passed.

Those involved in the case are uncertain about what happens next in the case and to Donald Miller.

When asked if Donald Miller would be appealing or taking his case to a higher court, his attorney Francis Marley told, “Probably not.”

“We may go another avenue as far as federal something, but we haven’t decided yet,” he said. “He’s obviously disappointed. Who wouldn’t be?”

“It’s one of those once-in-a-lifetime cases,” Judge Davis sdkfjhsdjsdfksajfsadkjfsafgsakjfh

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Live In Caregiver Awarded Wages of Half What Outside Service Would Charge

Foreman v. Reid2010 BCSC 228

The case is largely reported as one of undue influence and testamentary capacity, but the defendant counter claimed for an award of damages based on unjust enrichment, for a reasonable fee for the care giving services provided for over 5 years.

The court in effect awarded over $200,000 for these services, based on approximately one half of what a full time paid caregiver would charge.

The court noted that after his dismissal the deceased had to pay $8000 per month for her care prior to her death.

B. The defendant’s counterclaim for unjust enrichment

[89] Mr. Reid seeks compensation on the basis of quantum meruit, for unpaid services which he provided to Mrs. Foreman which he says unjustly enriched her estate.

[90] To establish entitlement to compensation on a quantum meruit, Mr. Reid has the burden of proving the elements of unjust enrichment, which are:

an enrichment;
a corresponding deprivation;
the absence of any juristic reason for the enrichment.
See Peel (Regional Municipality) v. Canada, [1992] 3 S.C.R. 762, 98 D.L.R. (4th) 140.

[91] I am satisfied that Mr. Reid has met that burden.

[92] While Mr. Reid’s explanation for his devotion to Mrs. Foreman to the detriment of his professional career is at first blush difficult to understand, I am satisfied that when considered in light of her many promises to him and his genuine affection for her, it is explicable.

[93] The totality of the evidence establishes that Mrs. Foreman was a domineering woman whose will would not easily be overborne, and I find that Mr. Reid chose to accommodate her wishes that he provide care services to her and be compensated for that rather than defy or displease her by carrying on full time with his own career in real estate.

[94] That decision was not, of course, entirely altruistic. I accept that promises, including one that she would transfer at least half of the title to her valuable home, and one that she would provide him with a bequest for $200,000, were made to him by Mrs. Foreman. If they had come to fruition, Mr. Reid would have been generously compensated for his efforts.

[95] Mr. MacRae also testified that Mrs. Foreman variously discussed with him giving Mr. Reid half of her house, or up to $200,000, to express her gratitude and debt to him, and that after further discussions with Mr. MacRae in early 2005, gave Mr. MacRae instructions to settle a gift of $100,000 upon Mr. Reid in the contemplated alter ego trust.

[96] I do, however, also find that in addition to acting upon promises of further recompense, Mr. Reid cared deeply for Mrs. Foreman and her well-being, and did his best to care for her as she wished. His obvious distress and emotion when testifying about his removal from the Capilano Road home by the police in June of 2005, and his loss of contact.

Are We Hard Wired to Litigate Over Estates?

Litigate Over Estates

When Billionaires are willing to air their family laundry over inheritances, it makes one reflect on do these people ever have enough money? The Revlon Heiress Ms Perelman is suing her uncle over her grandfather’s will alleging that his son used undue influence to dwindle away an inheritance which may have been as much as $200 million from her ” inheritance”

Revlon heiress Samantha Perelman battles uncle over share of grandfather’s fortune
David Porter, Associated Press | 28/09/13 | Last Updated: 28/09/13 4:44 PM ET
More from Associated Press

AP Photo/The Record of Bergen County, Amy Newman, PoolSamantha Perelman looks on during opening arguments in her lawsuit against the Cohen family in Superior Court in Hackensack, N.J.

HACKENSACK, N.J. — A bitter fight between two of the New York area’s wealthiest families is playing out in the modest trappings of a county courthouse more used to seeing low-level drug offenders and alimony cheats.

On one side is James Cohen, son of the founder of Hudson News, the newsstand operator with stores in airports and train stations across the country. On the other is Cohen’s niece, Samantha Perelman, the 23-year-old daughter of billionaire Revlon Chairman Ronald Perelman.

Samantha Perelman claims her uncle systematically squeezed her out of her grandfather Robert Cohen’s will as he suffered from the debilitating effects of a Parkinson’s-like disease before dying in 2012.

The case figures to turn on whether Perelman’s attorneys can demonstrate to state Superior Court Judge Estela De La Cruz that James Cohen used undue influence to get his father to change his will several times to reduce Perelman’s share.

AP Photo/The Record of Bergen County, Mitsu Yasukawa, PoolJames Cohen is accused of using undue influence to get his father to change his will several times to reduce Samantha Perelman’s share.

Cohen’s attorneys don’t mince words in court filings, calling Perelman’s lawsuit “brazen beyond belief” and the product of “pure gall.” They claim that even under Robert Cohen’s last will, penned in 2009, Samantha Perelman stood to inherit jewelry and real estate worth more than $20 million and insurance policies worth more than $47 million. They also claim her lawsuit is a thinly veiled attempt by Ron Perelman to use his daughter to get control of the Hudson News empire.

“This shameless lawsuit is filled with repackaged claims, and we are confident that the truth will again prevail as it has in every previous iteration of this nuisance litigation,” James Cohen said through a spokeswoman.

Christine Taylor, a spokeswoman for Samantha Perelman, called the accusations regarding Ron Perelman “simply not true.”

“It’s something they feel if they repeat enough times it’ll be true,” she said. “It couldn’t be further from the truth, it has never been the case and it has never been contended that the business should go to Ronald Perelman or Samantha. They would like to make it about Ronald because it’s easier to beat up on a grown-up than a 23-year-old girl.”

‘My mother taught me to stand up for what I believe, and I know she would have been heartbroken by what was done’

James Cohen, who lives in northern New Jersey, began working for Hudson News in 1980, became CEO in 1994 and had always been in line to inherit the business from his father, according to his court filings. He is credited with developing it into a business that sold for $805 million in 2008.

In the 2004 document that Samantha Perelman is seeking to be considered her grandfather’s last valid will, she stood to receive real estate in Palm Beach, Fla., New York City and Englewood; $25 million in cash; $500,000 a year for 10 years; a corporate jet; and other assets totalling about $150 million, according to her court filings. Her attorneys charge that once her mother, gossip columnist Claudia Cohen, died in 2007, James Cohen took control of his father’s estate planning, and the “changes adverse to Claudia and Samantha came repeatedly, relentlessly and secretly.”

Over the next several years, Robert Cohen’s physical condition worsened steadily as he battled progressive supranuclear palsy, a disorder that attacks muscular control and ultimately left him unable to walk, speak or care for himself, according to court papers.

AP Photo/The Record, Elizabeth LaraSamantha Perelman listens to witness testimony in superior court in Hackensack, NJ in a lawsuit against the Cohen family.

In a previous trial, also in Hackensack, a different Superior Court judge ruled against the Perelmans and concluded that Robert Cohen was “fundamentally sound” in his thinking and legally allowed to make a new will. Under the law, however, a person can still be unduly influenced in the making of a will even if he or she is considered to have mental capacity, both sides said.

Samantha Perelman graduated recently from the University of Pennsylvania and is pursuing an MBA at Columbia University. Court papers revealed that her grandfather referred to her as “Little Cupcake.” She is expected to testify next week.

“My mother always taught me to stand up for what I believe, and I know she would have been heartbroken by what was done in connection with her father’s will,” Samantha Perelman said in an emailed statement. “This is my case and I intend to make sure my grandfather’s true intentions are carried out.”

The Associated Press

Many Super Rich Will Not Leave It All to Their Children

warren buffet


Not all of the world’s super rich billionaires are dedicated to being extraordinarily altruistic — many decide to spend their money indulging in fancy cars, planes, and yachts and not on their children


Warren Buffet is notorious for saying he will donate all his fortune rather than leave it to his children .

But others want to spread as much of their wealth as possible before they die. A select few even want that last check to only cover the cost of their funeral.

Of course, not everyone stands to gain from such selflessness — namely, the children of these generous donors.

Though they will still have untold opportunities, advantages, and connections, to help them succeed, the children of many tycoons won’t be living large off their inheritances.

Moguls such as Warren Buffett and Bill Gates typify the sentiment of these largely self made people, that having too much money from an early age is a disaster for that individual, as well as not being good for society as a whole.

Mayor Bloomberg says of his 20 billion and his two children, in his letter to The Giving Pledge, Bloomberg wrote that “nearly all of my net worth will be given away in the years ahead or left to my foundation.”

Bloomberg’s two daughters, however, may be left to foot the bill upon his death. Bloomberg once said “the best financial planning ends with bouncing the check to the undertaker.”

Even Kiss rock star Gene Simmons stated: in terms of an inheritance and stuff, they’re gonna be taken care of, but they will never be rich off my money. Because every year they should be forced to get up out of bed, and go out and work and make their own way.”

Finally, Andrew Lloyd Webber :

Having racked up hundreds of millions of dollars and becoming a knight thanks to his work as a theater composer, Webber wants to use that money to encourage teaching the arts.

Webber once said that ”(A will) is one thing you do start to think about when you get to my age. I don’t think it should be about having a whole load of rich children and grandchildren. I think it should be used as a way to encourage the arts.”

His five children will be “taken care of,” but the majority of the estate will go towards arts programs.

40 Great Things To Say While Alive

Build your dreamThings To Say Before You Die and are still alive.

Before you’re sprawled on your deathbed, there are some things you really have to say. They’re not complicated.


“I wonder.”

Give yourself time to think so the time you spend doing things will be better spent.

“Today was good.”


If you can say it once, you can say it again. And again. And again.


“I believe in this.”


A god, a plan, a company, a person, an idea—you have to put your faith in something.


“I’m not finished

Only you get to decide when your life’s work is done.


“Thank you for making this possible.”


Because nobody does anything alone. We’re driven and supported and thwarted by others at every turn.


“That’s enough.”


Food. Drink. Episodes of Law & Order. Pairs of shoes. Overtime. Articulating your own limits is powerful.


“I can do better.”

As soon as you say it, you’re that much closer to making it true.

“I’m sorry.”

But you can’t just say it; you have to mean it. Really mean it.


“I survived.”

Moments of danger are the plot points of an exciting life.


“You’re amazing.”


Let yourself be in awe of another person, and you’ll feel strong and weak simultaneously.


“I am home.”

Home is every adventure’s final destination and starting point—and we all need one to call our own.


“I did my best.”


If this is true, you did something amazing.


“How can I help you?”


Because you want people to come to your funeral, and if they can’t make it, at least they’ll miss you.


“I’m lucky.”

You are lucky, in a way that no one else is. Now, what are you going to do with your good fortune?


“I want that.”


Ask for it: that’s you get what you covet—from others and for yourself.


“This is wrong.”


If you never say it, you embody the statement.


“I quit.”


Not everything is worthwhile, and sometimes we don’t find that out until we’re in the middle of a rotten situation.


“Isn’t this beautiful?”

The more often you notice the gorgeous world around you, the happier you’ll be.




Say this without jealously. Practice if you have to.


“Damn, I look good.”

You come from a long line of people who convinced others to sleep with them. Remember that.


“I can master this.”


The ability to learn is the foundation of every other talent.


“Hold the mayo.”


Ask for the little things on a regular basis and you’ll find that it’s easier to make larger demands on occasion.


“This is who I am.”

The nervous energy spent pretending to be something you’re not is better spent on practically anything else.


“Get out.”

It’s always harder to take back an invitation than to give one, but protecting yourself from personified trouble is always worth the effort.


“That was my contribution.”


Own what you’ve worked to create—that’s how your presence will be felt long after you’re gone.


“I’ll try it.”

Consider the impotence of never saying you’ll try.


“Tell me more.”


Really getting to know someone (or some topic) will help you better triangulate your own place in the world.

“This is my favorite thing.”


Enjoy what you love and say this as often as you can.


“I earned this.”


There’s a layer of proud ownership over everything you possess that wasn’t merely given to you.


“I don’t care.”


Being able to discern between what’s important and what’s trivial is a skill that will save your sanity and your schedule.


“Your secret is safe with me.”


Because it feels deep-down good to be trustworthy.




Being the first to know something is a delicious sensation.


“Let’s go!”


Where you’re going often matters far less than the enthusiasm you have for the trip.


“I trust you.”


We all need allies, and admitting as much helps forge alliances.


“I don’t know how to do this.”


It’s better to admit it and learn than to fake it and embarrass yourself.

“I’m terrified.”


Fear is an asset. It can save you from danger and alert you to trouble. Don’t ignore the tingles that run up and down your spine.


“This is going to work.”


When this is said truthfully, it’s an assertion of power.


“I made a decision.”


Autonomy transforms any activity from a chore to an act of destiny.


“I love you.”


We all want to say this, and we all want it said to us.


“I understand.”







More important than being right, or being important, is being truly aware.



Reprinted From Forbes Magazine

Famous Failures Who Made It

Famous Failures Who Made It

If you have never failed, you have never tried anything new! Albert Einstein

Michael JordonAlbert was not able to speak until he was almost 4 years old and his teacher said he would never amount to much.

Michael Jordan-after being cut from his high school basketball team, Michael went home, locked himself in his room and cried.

Walt Disney-fired from a newspaper for lacking imagination and having no original ideas.

Steve Jobs-at 30 years old he was left devastated and depressed after being unceremoniously removed from the Apple company that he started.

Oprah Winfrey-was demoted from her job as a news anchor because she wasn’t fit for television the Beatles-rejected by Decca recording studios who said we don’t like their sound they have no future in show business.

Americans Donate Billions to Charity

Warren Buffet 2Americans are generally speaking generous towards charities, donating around 7 plus billion dollars per year.

Here are a few of the top   donors:

1. Warren Buffett

Total: $3.084 billion
2. Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan

Total: $499 million
3. John and Laura Arnold

Total: $423 million
4. Paul Allen

Total: $309 million
5. Sergey Brin and Anne Wojcicki

Total: $223 million
Recipients: Brin Wojcicki Foundation, Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research

6. Mortimer Zuckerman

Total: $200 million
Recipient: Columbia University

8. Carl Icahn

Total: $150 million
Recipient: Mount Sinai School of Medicine

Six Famous Estate Fights


Anna Nicole 2Famous Estate Fights- Mistakes & Lessons


Brooke Astor

Mistake: Naming wrong person as agent under power of attorney.

Story: In October 2009 socialite Brooke Astor’s son Anthony Marshall was convicted of fraud and grand larceny relating to his handling of his late mother’s estate. The 14 counts which a New York jury found Marshall guilty of, included misusing his power of attorney over her financial affairs by giving himself a retroactive $1 million raise for managing her finances. Marshall denied wrongdoing and remains free while appealing his conviction.


Estate Fights Lesson: Pick your agent with care, and require a backup agent to sign off, too, on major decisions.


Princess Di’s Trinkets


Mistake: Relying on a “letter of wishes” to give away belongings.


Story: At her death in 1997, Princess Diana left a detailed will, naming her sister and mother as executors. She also wrote a separate “letter of wishes” asking her executors, at their discretion, to divide her belongings among her sons and her 17 godchildren. But instead of getting stuff worth an estimated 100,000 pounds, each godchild got only a trinket.


Estate Fights Lesson: Don’t rely on executors’ sense of noblesse oblige; put specific bequests in your will or trust or in a signed, dated list. If you’re older, give away cherished belongings before you die.


Marjorie Merriweather Post’s Daughter


Mistake: Having conflicting wills in different places.


Story: Eleanor Close Barzin, a daughter of Marjorie Merriweather Post, who during her life often was called America’s richest woman (her father was C.W. Post of cereal fame), died in 2006 at age 96, worth tens of millions. With assets on two continents, she had an amended French will, a U.S. trust and a U.S. will, not necessarily a problem, except for the fact that the documents weren’t coordinated to account for how the different jurisdictions interact with one another. Her estate is still tied up in litigation.


Estate Fights Lesson: If you have assets in more than one jurisdiction (that could be New York and Vermont), make sure you have competent advisors who can deal with the complexities and contradictions.


Anna Nicole Smith


Mistake: Marrying out of your league.


Story: Oil baron J. Howard Marshall was 89 when he married formerPlayboy playmate Anna Nicole Smith, age 26. When Marshall died just over a year later in 1995, she claimed he had promised her half of his estate, but she was left out of the will. Most of Marshall’s fortune went to his only son, E. Pierce Marshall. Then, Marshall and Smith died within months of each other, Smith leaving behind an infant daughter. The case went up to the U.S. Supreme Court twice, with the Court ruling this June that the Texas probate court was the proper venue for the case. That court’s decision, which upheld Marshall’s will, is on appeal.


Estate Fights Lesson: Sign a prenuptial agreement.


Pritzker v. Pritzker


Mistake: Counting on dad.


Story: Brother and sister Matthew and Liesel Pritzker sued their father, Robert, and other family members, accusing them of looting their trust fund (dad was trustee) after the death of their grandfather, family patriarch Jay Pritzker, who founded the Hyatt hotel chain. The lawsuit was settled in 2005, with the two reportedly getting control of fortunes of $450 million each.


Estate Fights Lesson: If your estate plan includes trusts meant to last multiple generations, a corporate trustee (typically a bank) can be a better choice (more expensive, but more impartial) than a family member.


The Koch Brothers


Mistake: Exiting the family business too early.


Story: Four sons of Fred Koch, founder of oil conglomerate Koch Industries, inherited the company after their father’s death in 1967. Sons Charles and David bought out William and Frederick for $1.3 billion in 1983. William and Frederick (pictured) later sued for a bigger amount. The long-running feud was finally settled in 2001. Meanwhile, Charles and David have climbed into the ranks of the 10 richest Americans, worth $21.5 billion each, while William is worth $3.4 billion; Frederick isn’t even among the 400 richest Americans.


Estate Fights Lesson: When your estate includes a family business, extra precautions are needed to ensure that all heirs will be treated equally.

Blended Family Wills and Estates Issues

Blended familyBlended family situations with respect to estate disputes are common as the families have not in fact often “blended”.

As such members of the family often resort to the provisions of the BC wills variation act, now after April 1, 2014, incorporated into the provisions of WESA.

1. Introduction

Despite nine decades of judicial interpretation, there still remain many questions and concerns about the Wills Variation Act as it applies to today’s society. There are many conflicting decisions that are hard to reconcile. Critics of the Act argue that it has eroded testamentary freedom far too much, and allege that it has gone much further than providing the “maintenance” that the Act was mandated to provide.

2. The Concept of Testamentary Freedom

The British common law gave serious effect to the principle that:”everyone is left free to choose the person upon whom he will bestow his property after death entirely unfettered in the selection he may think proper to make. He may disinherit, either wholly, or partially, his children and leave his property to strangers to gratify his spite, or to charities to gratify his pride, and we must give effect to his will, however much we condemn the course he has pursued. In this respect the law of England differs from that of other countries. It is thought better to risk the chance of an abuse of power arising form such liberty than to deprive men of the right to make such a selection as their knowledge of the characters, of the past history, and the future of their children or other relatives may demand.”

Boughton v Knight (1873) 3 P.& D. 64.

It was felt that a testator should be better able to judge his testamentary obligations than the state, through a legislated scheme. Contrary to this, most of continental Europe opted for statutory schemes.

However, it is against the backdrop of “testamentary autonomy” that abuses of this concept left a widow and her children at the mercy of the community for their support.

Wills Variation actions often are a judicial conflict between the provisions of the Wills Variation Act and the principle of testamentary autonomy.

3. Historical Background

New Zealand was the first common law jurisdiction to seriously question and change the concept of testamentary freedom on the basis that the family had a right to be protected. In October of 1900 it passed the Testator’s Family Maintenance Act.

British Columbia passed a statute with the same name and almost identical provisions in 1920.

Historically, the statue was passed at a time of active social reform following the First World War, a world wide flu epidemic, the rise of the Bolsheviks in Russia, and a strong desire for greater social stability for a rising working class. Great lobbying for the legislation was conducted by the various women’s organizations of the day.

The initial” Dependants Relief” legislation that permitted the courts to interfere with testamentary freedom, has undergone, and continues to undergo, substantial changes. The rationale for these judicial changes has been to allow the law to adjust to changing economic considerations and contemporary social norms.

4. Persons Entitled to Apply For Relief In British Columbia

Only married spouses, common law spouses, natural born children including illegitimate children, and adopted children have the status to apply.

The remedy is discretionary.

Section 2 of the Act states:

” Despite any law or statute to the contrary, if a testator dies leaving a will that does not, in the court’s opinion, make adequate provision for the proper maintenance and support of the testator’s wife, husband or children, the court may, in its discretion, in an action by or on behalf of the wife, husband or children, order that the provision that it thinks adequate, just and equitable in the circumstances be made out of the testator’s estate for the wife, husband or children.”

It is important to note that the definition of ‘Spouse’ includes a person ,married to another, as well as a person who is living and cohabiting with another person in a marriage like relationship, including a marriage_like relationship between persons of the same gender, and who has lived and cohabited in that relationship for a period of at least two years.

‘Children’ includes adopted children, but not step children. However, a child who has been adopted out will likely lose his or her right to claim against his or her natural parents.

To qualify as a common law spouse, the claimant and the testator must have been living and cohabiting in a marriage like relationship at the date of the testator’s death. Einfled v. Bellrichard 2001 BCSC 92.

In determining whether a relationship is “marriage _like” or not, the court should first consider subjectively, the question

“if each partner had been asked at any time during the relevant period of more than two years , whether , if their partner were to be suddenly disabled for life, would they consider themselves committed to life_long financial and moral support of that partner, and the answer to both of them would have been yes, then they are living together as husband and wife”.

Gostlin v. Kergin (1986) 3 B.C.L.R. (2d) 264 (C.A.)

If the answer to the question is not apparent, then the court should consider enumerated objective indicators.

5. Right of Action Survives Death of Claimant

Section 2 provides for actions “by or on behalf of” a spouse or child. Therefore an action may be brought on behalf of a claimant by a personal representative of a claimant who survives the testator but dies before commencing or completing the claim.

In Currie Estate v. Bowen 35 B.C.L.R. (2d) 46, a husband died 6 weeks before his wife. He did not provide adequately for his wife. The wife died before she completed her claim. Her children, as her personal representatives were allowed to maintain her claim under the act. The act did not specifically provide for this, but the court found that the right of action vested at the time of the husband’s death, and it was implied that the wife’s personal representatives had the right to bring the action.

6. Property Subject to an Order

In Re Herron Estate (1941) 3 W.W.R. 877, it was held that if a testator, at death, was domiciled outside British Columbia, the testator’s real property in British Columbia is subject to the act, but not the testator’s personal property.

The Court will consider the total value of all property passing on death in determining what provision is adequate, just and equitable, but the Court only has jurisdiction to order provision from that portion of the actual estate of the deceased, and has no jurisdiction to deal with assets passing on intestacy, or outside the estate by joint ownership, designated beneficiaries and the like. Property that is settled by an inter vivos trust , such as was done in Re Collier (1967) 61 W.W.R. 761, does not from part of the testator’s estate for the purpose of this act.

Thus the practitioner needs to know the overall financial picture of the testator, both in terms of the value of the asset, as well as how the asset is registered. There may well be sufficient assets passing outside of the estate to satisfy any claim that might be brought under the act on the basis that the estate has not adequately provided for the claimant.

7. Some Leading Cases :

A) Walker v. McDermott (1931) S.C.R. 94

This leading Supreme Court of Canada case involved an application by a married daughter of the testator, who had left his entire estate to his wife. The Court directed payment of an allowance to the daughter. The frequently quoted statement of law from the case is as per Duff J. :

“What constitutes “proper maintenance and support” is a question to be determined with reference to a variety of circumstances. It cannot be limited to the bare necessities of existence. For the purpose of arriving at a conclusion, the Court on whom devolves the responsibility of giving effect to the statute, would naturally proceed from the point of view of the judicious father of a family seeking to discharge both his marital and his parental duty; and would of course (looking at the matter from that point of view), consider the situation of the child, wife or husband, and the standard of living to which, having regard to this and the other circumstances, reference ought to be had. If the Court comes to the decision that adequate provision has not been made, then the Court must consider what provision would be not only adequate, but just and equitable also. In exercising its judgment upon this, the pecuniary magnitude of the estate, and the situation of others having claims upon the testator, must be taken into account.”

B) Tataryn v. Tataryn 3 E.T.R. (2d) 229 S.C.C.

In 1995 the Supreme Court of Canada pronounced another ” landmark” case that is now the leading case in this area of law.

FACTS: After 43 years of marriage, a testator left an estate worth $315,000, amassed through the joint efforts of his widow and himself. In his will, testator left widow a life estate in the matrimonial home and made her the beneficiary of a discretionary trust of the income of the residue of the estate, with their son as trustee. Testator left the son the remainder interest in the home and residue, as well as a gift of a rental property. His widow and a disinherited son claimed against the testator’s estate under the Act.

HELD: In determining what was “adequate, just and equitable in the circumstances” pursuant to s. 2(1) of the Act, the Court was required to consider testator’s legal and moral obligations. In terms of testator’s legal obligation toward widow, had spouses separated prior to testator’s death, widow would have been entitled to a share of the matrimonial assets as well as maintenance, and therefore she was entitled to as much on the death of testator. In terms of a moral obligation, widow was entitled to independence in her old age and should not have to be made dependent on the discretion of her son. The appeal was allowed in part so as to give widow title to the matrimonial home and the residue of the estate after the gifts to the sons.

Under s. 2(1) of the Wills Variation Act, the court must ask itself whether the will makes adequate provision and if not, make an order that is adequate, just and equitable. Testamentary autonomy must yield to that which is “adequate, just and equitable” in the circumstances judged by contemporary standards. Spouses and children are entitled to an equitable share of an estate even in the absence of need. Both the testator’s legal and moral obligations must be addressed. Legal obligations are those which the law would have imposed on a person during his or her life were the question of provision for the claimant to have arisen. Maintenance and property allocations which the law would support during the testator’s lifetime should be reflected in the court’s interpretation of what is adequate, just and equitable in the circumstances after the testator’s death. Moral obligations are society’s reasonable expectations of what a judicious person would do in the circumstances, by reference to contemporary community standards. Most people would agree that a strong moral obligation exists for a supporting spouse to provide for a dependent spouse or dependent adult child after his death, if the size of the estate permits. Even independent adult children should receive some provision if the size of the estate permits and in the absence of circumstances negating the obligation.

Where the estate permits, all these conflicting claims should be met. Where priorities must be considered, claims based upon legal obligations should take precedence over moral claims. The testator’s freedom to dispose of his property should not be interfered with lightly, but only in so far as the statute requires. Here the testator’s legal obligation was to provide maintenance for his wife and a share in the family assets. Morally, it could not be just and equitable to deprive the wife of the estate in her old age simply because her husband died first. To confine her to such sums as her son E. might give her would fail to recognize her deserved independence and her moral claim. She should receive title to the matrimonial home, a life interest in the rental property and the entire residue of the estate other than the immediate gifts to the sons. The moral claim of the sons would be adequately met by the immediate gift of $10,000 each and a residuary interest in the rental property divided one-third to J. and two-thirds to E.

C) Bell v. Roy Estate 75 B.C.L.R. (2d) 213

FACTS: A widowed testator drew a will leaving her $90,000 estate to one of her three children. She wrote a letter to the court at the time, explaining her reasoning_ her daughter was largely estranged, and her son was antisocial and criminal, and had been a burden to her. The daughter sued and her claim was dismissed and upheld by the appeal court.

HELD: Absent evidence of need on the part of the “disinherited” adult child, if the court finds that the testator honestly believed , when the will was signed that 1) she had made substantial inter vivos gifts to the child, and 2) in her declining years, she had been neglected by such child, then the court will not make a new will for the testator.

Another leading case that follows this line of authority is Kelly v Baker (1996) 82 B.C.A.C 150, where the B.C Court of Appeal held that a testatrix had valid and rational reasons for disinheriting her adult adopted son. Her will stated that he was disinherited because he chose to abandon the family and “live a life morally unacceptable to us”.

D) Allardice v. Allardice 1911 A.C. 730 (House of Lords)

Justice Cooper stated at p. 975:

” I repeat that we have no power to recast the testator’s will or to redress inequalities or fancied injustice, but only to secure a sufficient provision for the proper maintenance and support of those children of the testator who have been left by him without proper and adequate means of support. This general rule is, I think, the governing principle. Its application depends upon all the circumstances of each particular case. ”

Stout C.J. stated at pp. 969_70:

“The matter that should be considered, both as to widow and children, is how she or they have been maintained in the past. A child, for example, that has been living on a father’s bounty could not be expected to begin the battle of life without means. A child, however, who had maintained her or himself, and had perhaps accumulated means, might well be expected to be able to fight the battle of life without any extraneous aid. But even in such a case, if the fight was a great struggle, and some aid might help, and the means of the testator were great, the Court might, in my opinion, properly give aid “.

8. Summary of Basic Principles_ The Clucas Decision


An excellent summary of the basic principles can be found in the decision Clucas v. Clucas Estate 29 E.T.R.(2d) 222 at paragraph 12:

1. The main aim of the Act is the adequate, just and equitable provision for the spouses and children of testators. (Tataryn v. Tataryn Estate, [1994] 2 S.C.R. 807 (S.C.C.)

2. The other interest protected by the Act is testamentary autonomy. In the absence of other evidence a Will should be seen as reflecting the means chosen by the testator to meet his legitimate concerns and provide for an ordered administration and distribution of his estate in the best interests of the persons and institutions closest to him. It is the exercise by the testator of his freedom to dispose of his property and is to be interfered with not lightly but only insofar as the statute requires. (Tataryn, supra)

3. The test of what is “adequate and proper maintenance and support” as referred to in s. 2 of the Act is an objective test. The fact that the testator was of the view that he or she adequately and properly provided for the disinherited beneficiary is not relevant if an objective analysis indicates that the testator was not acting in accordance with society’s reasonable expectations of what a judicious parent would do in the circumstance by reference to contemporary community standards. (Tataryn, supra; Walker v. McDermott (1930), [1931] S.C.R. 94 (S.C.C.); Price v. Lypchuk Estate (1987), 11 B.C.L.R. (2d) 371 (B.C. C.A.); Dalziel v. Bradford (1985), 62 B.C.L.R. 215 (B.C. S.C.)

4. The words “adequate” and “proper” as used in s. 2 can mean two different things depending on the size of the estate. A small gift may be adequate, but not proper if the estate is large. (Price v. Lypchuk Estate, supra)

5. Firstly, the court must consider any legal obligations of the testatrix to her spouse or children and secondly, the moral obligation to her spouse or children. (Tataryn, supra)

6. The moral claim of independent adult children is more tenuous than the moral claim of spouses or dependent adult children. But if the size of the estate permits, and in the absence of circumstances negating the existence of such an obligation, some provision for adult independent children should be made. (Tataryn, supra)

7. Examples of circumstances which bring forth a moral duty on the part of a testator to recognize in his Will the claims of adult children are: a disability on the part of an adult child; an assured expectation on the part of an adult child, or an implied expectation on the part of an adult child, arising from the abundance of the estate or from the adult child’s treatment during the testator’s life time; the present financial circumstances of the child; the probable future difficulties of the child; the size of the estate and other legitimate claims. (Dalziel v. Bradford, supra and Price v. Lypchuk Estate, supra).

8. Circumstances that will negate the moral obligation of a testatrix are “valid and rational” reasons for disinheritance. To constitute “valid and rational” reasons justifying disinheritance, the reason must be based on true facts and the reason must be logically connected to the act of disinheritance. (Bell v. Roy Estate (1993), 75 B.C.L.R. (2d) 213 (B.C. C.A.); Comeau v. Mawer Estate (January 8, 1999), Doc. Vancouver A970766 (B.C. S.C.); and Kelly v. Baker (1996), 15 E.T.R. (2d) 219 (B.C. C.A.)

9. Although a needs/maintenance test is no longer the sole factor governing such claims, a consideration of needs is still relevant. (Newstead v. Newstead Estate (1996), 11 E.T.R. (2d) 236 (B.C. S.C.))

9. No Requirement to Treat Each Child Equally


The court will only intervene where the facts show that the judicious parent , acting in full knowledge of the true facts, would have made a different disposition of the estate among his adult children. Griffin v McCarthy 36 E.T.R. 129.

In Chernecki v Vangolen 1997 3 W.W.R. 589 (C.A.), the Court of Appeal found that a will that left $1.16 million dollars equally to two children should not be interfered with, as the will had made adequate provision for each child.

In Cavadini v Mahaffey Estate ( 1995) B.C.A.C. 220 it was held that the law does not require a testator to treat all children equally.

However, in Ryan v. Delahaye Estate 2003 BCSC 1081, the court varied a will that left % 80 to the son and % 20 to the daughter to an equal %50. The daughter had been given away to be raised by her grandmother when her brother was born. The son was given more advantages in life than the daughter and received a better education and opportunities. The Court found that the reasons stated in the will for the unequal portions were not valid and rational. The daughter had limited skills, deteriorating health and given the size of the estate about $700,000, she had not been adequately provided for.

10. Limitation Period


An action must be commenced within 6 months of the granting of letters probate or resealing of the probate. An action may be commenced before the grant of probate.

If a defendant gave assurances that the 3estate would be divided equally notwithstanding the terms of the will, the principle of promissory estoppel may be applied to permit the commencement of an action under the Wills Variation act after the six month limitation period has expired. Macdonald v. Macdonald Estate (1996) 21 B.C.L.R. 680 ( B.C.C.A.)

11. Executors Duties and Concerns

The role of an executor is to carry out the terms of the will. The executor has no power whatsoever to vary a will or to agree to same. Only a Judge of the Supreme Court or Court of Appeal has the power to legally vary a will.

Section 12 of the Act provides that an executor is not to distribute any of the estate assets until the expiration of six months from the grant of probate, unless all persons entitled to apply under the act consent, or a court so orders. Failure to comply could make the executor personally liable for any losses.

Once an action has been commenced, the executor must remain “neutral” since the executor is by law the guardian of the estate assets. The executor should present all relevant evidence before the court and primarily take the position that he or she is there to assist the court. A conflict of interest situation may well arise if the executor is also a beneficiary.

It is important when acting for or as an executor that any settlement be made subject to Court approval and that Court approval be obtained before distributing the assets in accordance with the terms of the settlement. Once again, only a Judge can vary the terms of a will.

12. Privilege of Your File Contents

The issue of privilege will invariably arise in Wills Variation actions re the production of the professional’s file and notes. The privilege of the deceased client (the testator) will now attach to the executor. In each case you should take your clients instructions after discussing the claim of privilege. You should consider seeking advice from your counsel on this topic.

Generally speaking , the claim of privilege will be upheld where the action is a Wills Variation action only (ie doesn’t also include a claim for lack of capacity or undue influence), on the basis that the true purpose of attempting to obtain the file is not to determine the true intention of the testator, but instead is for the purpose of attempting to defeat that purpose. Gordon v. Gilroy (1994) B.C.J. No. 1927, Master Joyce.

13. Change In Circumstances From Date Will Drawn

The variation of a will is entirely up to the discretion of the court. The circumstances to be considered are those existing at the time that the will comes into effect, not when it was signed. Accordingly, the court will look at evidence in changes in circumstances over the intervening years, which may include things like the relative financial circumstances of the parties, the manner in which they behaved during the testator’s life, and the receipt of any loans or gifts made during the testator’s life to the detriment of claimants. Purser v Purser 31 E.T.R. 299.

14. Disabled Claimants

Tataryn strongly suggests that there is an obligation to adult dependent children. This was recognized in Newstead v Newstead Estate (1996) 11 E.T.R. (2d) 236 (B.C.S.C.)

FACTS: The testator died leaving three adult children, all of whom had tragic personal circumstances. The oldest was confined to a mental institution for ten years, the middle child had been in a foster home and drifted into a life of crime. The youngest child was severely mentally handicapped and institutionalized. The value of the estate was $950,000. The testator gave 1/25 to each child, 15/25ths to his ex_daughter _in_law, and 7/25ths to friends and charities.

HELD: The court varied the will so that 1/3 of the estate went to the Public Trustee , 1/6 to the eldest child, and 1/6 share to the middle child, 1/6th to the daughter _in_law, and 1/6 to the friends and others.

Two principles were clear :


1) There is a moral obligation to provide for a mentally incompetent dependant even though the dependant is a ward of the state ( in effect, a testator has a duty to absorb or reimburse the state),and

2) This same obligation exists regardless of whether or not the dependant would benefit personally from any part of the contribution.

There are a few cases that illustrate that the Courts will be inclined to vary a will that does not make a generous provision for a disabled child, adult or otherwise.

15. Methods of Circumventing the Act :

It is important to note that the Act contains no anti_avoidance provisions. There are several anti_avoidance techniques that are frequently used quite successfully. The courts deem the Act to be remedial, and if the testator fails to take steps to avoid the Act, then he or she have “volunteered” to be caught by its provisions.

A) Written Memorandum pursuant to S . 5 of the Act:

It is not sufficient for the practitioner to simply include a one or two line statement in the will that the testator has been estranged, or badly treated by the person that is to be disinherited . The reasons for the inadequate provision should be detailed as much as possible and either stated within the will, or stated in a memorandum that accompanies the will. The reason the disinheritance should be valid and accurate and not malicious. The practitioner should charge accordingly for this additional service.

The law does not require that the reason expressed for disinheriting an individual be justiciable_ the reasons need only be rational and valid. Kelly v. Baker B.C.C.A Oct.16/96 following Bell v. Roy (1993) 75 B.C.L.R (2d) 213 (C.A.)

In Kelly v. Baker the court found that there was good reason by the testator to have believed that the plaintiff daughter had abandoned the family and treated her parents in a hateful and hurtful way.

Under the Act, the weight to be given to evidence of the reasons for disinheriting a child is affected by the accuracy and not by morally acceptable or unacceptable content.

There are many cases where estranged adult children have been disinherited by the courts. Our Court of Appeal in Price v Knutson (1987) 4 W.W.R. 128 stated that ” the moral duty imposed by the Act does not require a testator who has been rejected by a member of his family to ignore the rejection. However, if the estrangement has been caused by conduct of the testator, rather than the child, the courts will still find the testator failed to meet his or her moral obligation and revise the will.

In Pattie v. Standal 42 B.C.L.R. (3d) 211,, a child never saw his father again after age seven due to a divorce. The child’s mother did not receive child support. The deceased left his estate to his common law wife of two years. There was no memorandum to the will or other evidence as to why the child was disinherited. The court awarded the child 50% of the estate on the basis of both the failure to met the moral obligation, as well as failing his legal obligation to support his child during his lifetime.

The onus is on the plaintiff to show that the reasons acted upon by the testator were” false or unwarranted”.

B) Joint Tenancy with Right of Survivorship

Assets registered in joint tenancy do not form part of the deceased’s estate, and devolve by law to the surviving tenant. Thus, subject to the law of resulting trusts, this can be a very effective way of avoiding the act. If assets are to be transferred into joint ownership for little or no consideration, then it should be made very clear in writing that it was the intention to make a gift of the assets, so as to avoid any presumption of trust. Such intention should be well documented in the professionals notes as well as corroborated by a Deed of Gift and /or a statutory declaration of the donor.

C) Inter Vivos Gifts

Perhaps the best example of the court’s reluctance to interfere with a large inter vivos gift is found in Hecht v Hecht Estate 42 E.T.R. 295:

The parties cohabited 6 : months and were married 49 days. The surviving widow was a successful businesswoman before marriage. She received $1 million under the will from an estate valued at $32 million. The testator disposed of $30 million before death, by inter vivos gifts, that were part of an estate_planning scheme. The court found that the $30 million were not assets forming part of the estate, and thus could not be contested under the act.

Again, if you are consulted about the intention to make a substantial gift, then your notes should reflect the intention and a Deed of Gift or a statutory declaration should be signed by the donor as to his or her intention.

D) Trusts while alive ( inter vivos trust)

The same principles apply to the creation of a trust before death as inter vivos gifts.

Assets that are settled by an inter vivos trust will not form part of the estate assets of the deceased, so are not vulnerable to an attack under this act.

E) Designated Beneficiaries under Insurance and Pensions

Such assets pass outside of the estate to the named beneficiary, and thus cannot be attacked under the act.

F) Dying Intestate

It is possible to contract out of the provisions of the Estate Administration Act dealing with intestacy. Thus this could be an alternative where the testator wished to benefit those persons who would benefit on an intestacy. ie a second spouse contracts out of the Act, and the testator leaves estate on intestacy to his children from a first marriage.

G) Contracting Out

Generally, the Wills Variation Act is remedial and cannot be contracted out of. As a consequence, a contract with a spouse, or even a child, to not bring an action under the Act may not be enforceable, but would still be influential to the court.

For example, in Lobe v Lobe Estate 37 B.C.L.R. (3d) 138 (B.C.C.A)

FACTS: The plaintiff wife and the deceased husband each had children from previous marriages. Both had substantial wealth. They entered into a marriage agreement whereby their property was to remain separate. The wife’s holdings would be permitted to grow for the benefit of her children and the husband’s holdings would pass to his children. After he became terminally ill, the husband instructed that a new will be drawn up to divide his estate between his children and to give the wife controlling shares in a company they owned together, as well as a life estate in the matrimonial home and certain property. At the time of probate, the husband’s estate was valued at $8 million. Including survivorship benefits, the wife’s holdings were estimated at $4 million. The wife sought to have the will varied to effectively ignore the marriage agreement and give her full ownership of the company, the home and property and a $1 million capital fund.

HELD : The wife’s application was dismissed. Given the wife’s substantial wealth and the marriage agreement which governed the financial structure of the marriage, from which she benefitted, the judge could not accept that contemporary community standards would dictate that a judicious person in the deceased’s position would, in arranging the disposition of his estate, have been expected to depart from what was agreed at the outset, was consciously adhered to throughout, and had never become the subject of concern or complaint. He had no moral obligation to arrange his affairs differently.

The wife appealed and it was dismissed.

A pre_nuptial agreement was upheld by the Court of Appeal in disallowing a widow’s claim under the Act in Howard v Howard February 25,1997 Victoria Registry #19970225. See also Wagner v Wagner Estate 39 E.T.R. 5, where the judge stated that final settlement agreements are to be respected in the absence of compelling reasons to the contrary.

12. Conclusion

It is important for an estate practitioner to carefully canvass the testator’s intentions and finances when dealing with a blended family wills situation. Many testators are inclined to ignore possible claims against their estates by children or spouses that are not being adequately provided for, and need to receive professional advice.

The practitioners notes should include a discussion about the effects of the act and the various means of circumventing or dealing with the act in problem situations, and the advice that was given.